Monday 29 April 2013

ayurvedic tips for cold and cough | cold and cough | cold and cough medicine | Infinite Linkz

Remedies to get rid of cold and cough

Cough and cold are the most common problems every person facing. The alopathy medicines doesn’t provide instant relief but the medicines from the ayurveda provides the instant relief. 

Here we are providing you some home made remedies from the house of ayurveda which will definitely you relief from the cough and cold. As it is a viral disease, it spreads from one person to another. So we need to take care of ourself when we are infected from this viral disease.

As in the winter season,weather keeps fluctuating comman cold and fever are the more commanest ailments what most of us suffer from.So my todays topic of discussion is comman cold.

Here are some medicinal tips to get relief from cold and cough :

  • Reduce your consumption of raw food, salads, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli etc., and dry foods such as raw oats, crispbread, or cornflakes with cold milk.
  • Treat yourself to a soothing tea, using fresh or ground spices: 2 parts ginger, 3 parts cinnamon, and pinch of cardamom. Steep in hot water for 10–15 minutes. When the tea has cooled down, add a little raw honey.
  • Clear your sinuses using lukewarm water, sea salt, and the magic of a netti pot. For a natural antiseptic and antibacterial treatment, add 5 to 10 drops of Eucalyptus essential oil and treat yourself to a 5-minute facial steam. Lubricate your nasal passages by applying an Ayurvedic blended herbal nasya oil or organic sesame oil.
  • Honor your health and the season and wrap yourself in your favorite hat and scarf when you go out into the winter weather.
  • Enjoy healthy, moist, and conditioned air in your home. Using a humidifier can remove bacteria, dust, and allergens from the air; prevent dry skin and lips and respiratory problems; and contribute to a better functioning immune system. Adding eucalyptus and or lavender essential oils to the humidifier can clear the air of lingering pathogens and provide an aromatherapeutic experience.
  • Whole, fresh, clean foods, as well as limiting your intake of sugar, alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods helps cultivate a healthy and strong immune system. Resting well is also important, and Ayurvedic tradition suggests going to bed between 10 and 11 pm to allow the body to cleanse, heal, and balance during the body’s natural time of self-repair.
  • Drinking room temperature, warm, and hot water throughout the day is suggested for optimum digestion. It’s especially important to remember this tip while traveling, since travel can sometimes take its toll on your digestive system.
  • Amalaki fruit powder is high in natural antioxidants, is believed to have the most concentrated source of vitamin C in the plant kingdom, and is in a form that makes it easy for the body to assimilate. It is also known to have rejuvenative and revitalizing properties. Recommended: 1 teaspoon, or 2 tablets, with warm water before bed.
  • For cooking, always use some Ghee (purified butter). Ghee is particularly highly regarded in Ayurveda on account of its health-promoting qualities. During this season,  favour foods with ‘sweet’, ‘sour’, and ‘salty’ tastes.
  • Mix half a cup of warm water with one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of honey. Take several times a day.
  • Take equal amounts of cardamom, ginger powder, black pepper and cinnamon (1 teaspoon each). Add sugar equal to the total amount of mixture and grind to make a fine powder. Take half a teaspoon twice daily, with honey or warm water after meals.

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